Linkedin ghostwriting & Brand Expansion


How it went...

When we first started working together we mainly focussed on his voice, but what we found was a huge gap in the continuation of his voice across the businesses platforms, therefore over the space of a year we: 

How it started…

This client came to us as he was in the process of scaling a traditional accounting firm, launching a crypto accounting firm, had minimal time to build his brand (like most founders), was navigating the balance of family life and business, but knew he wanted to become a leader within his field, he just didn’t have the know how. We sat down, strategised, built a bank of content ideas, listened to the industry noise, dialled down and re-positioned him as a true founder and entrepreneur.

What we did…

We focussed on building a solid strategy that targeted LinkedIn to begin with, once this was solidified we expanded the strategy across multi platforms; Podcast, Twitter & Email. The results showcased his following tripling on LinkedIn, a dedicated community growing, invitations to speak at both in person and online events nationally and internationally and features in: Bloomberg, City AM, aat, Accounting Web, BBC Radio, [in].

Been present at in-house content days for video and podcast creation with guidance and strategy.

Built out a supportive business based marketing strategy.

Launched Content across Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn & TikTok.

Supported in new business partnerships.

Built out a solid email marketing campaign that is sent to over 2000 subscribers.

Hired and trained marketing employees to continue the growth of the social platforms.

Provided resources and training with content ideation and creation.

Wrote the copy for 2 rebranded businesses.

“An absolute pleasure to work with - professional, punchy, and clear subject matter experts.”

Are You Ready To Rewrite Your Story?