Taking control of your personal brand and voice. 


People buy from people. 

However, it’s all well and good us telling you to tell your story, but the actual doing is where you’re getting stuck. 

To build a strong personal brand on any platform, you need an aligned profile and a banging strategy that grows with you and your goals. Luckily for you we’re pretty damn good at that. 

We build cohesiveness across platforms and create personalised personal branding services that act as a non-salesy funnel for leads, growth and your voice becoming known online. 

And instead of hiring numerous people to create, strategise, build and execute — we do it under one roof and become your outsourced secret weapon.

In other words, people are more likely to do business, connect with or buy from someone they know, like, and trust.

Therefore, making a name for yourself, selling your products or services, championing your business, or all of the above, you have to use your voice and tell your story.



of new followers


organic growth


of impressions



To Become the Go-To Personal Branding & Ghostwriting Agency Within the UAE, That Listens, Understands and Executes Impactful Storytelling for the Time-Poor Founders & C-Suite Execs. 


We don’t work with everyone, but if we align, **it’s game on.**

And if that means you, we’ll work through a tried and tested personal branding and ghostwriting process that is altered to you, your niche, needs and goals. That means if your goal is to grow organically on LinkedIn, we’ve got your ghostwriter ready in the wings, or to re-align your message ready to launch onto socials, we’ve got your strategist ready to create clarity and support for you.

Not only that, as our agency is small and agile, we have partnered with the best when it comes to graphic design, SEO and web creation to ensure your personal brand is supported in ONE place, not many. 

And what drives us every single day is seeing our clients stories told to the right people, at the right time, all whilst articulating their specialism and expertise. 

Organic Growth Made Simple

We may only be 2 years old, but our expertise says otherwise. With tens of thousands of hours in experience helping new and existing founders and leaders develop aligned strategies and execute their presence onto LinkedIn, we think we’re pretty suited for the job. 

Our process is simple, yet effective, and works at becoming the best extension of you. 

From onboarding to foundation build all the way through to launch and content creation, we can get you speaking to your audience within the space of 6 weeks.

content creation


foundation build

linkedin launch

To kick things off we’ll be getting to know you on a deeper level, we’ll dive into you, your business, and everything that makes you tick. 


1 week

Discovery Questions
Ideal Client Understanding
Discovery Call


foundation build

During this phase we’ll understand your ideal audience inside and out, get to know you, build the foundations of your profile and create an aligned social strategy that feels both supportive whilst creating maximum impact for your brand. 

Foundation Build

3-4 weeks

Personal Brand Outputs
Social Media Strategy
Updated LinkedIn Profile

linkedin launch

foundation build

Once everything is in place, we’re ready to take you and your story to LinkedIn. Your profile is aligned, your launch posts are ready and we’ve found the right audience to engage with. It’s time to hit post. 

LinkedIn Launch

1 week

Aligned Profile
Supportive Strategy
Launch Posts
Let’s GO.

linkedin launch

foundation build

If you’re ready to keep growing your voice with a fully supportive team, we’ll move into our content retainer. We’ll have bi-weekly content calls and all content written by one of our writers. Not only that, we’ll manage your LinkedIn for you to enable you the time to work ON your business. 

Continued Content

3 months

content creation

About The FoundeR

Meet Steph

Digital nomad at heart, founder of Rewrite & as much as she hates to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher.

Steph founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing Steph the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for herself.

After teaching hundreds of children to find joy in writing and telling stories, she decided to up and leave her day job to explore the world of social media, freelance consulting and ghostwriting multiple business-based books for CEOs and Founders to come full circle back to supporting the grown-ups in finding joy in telling their stories.

Steph believes that every person has a powerful story hidden underneath, but many are feeling that little bit too afraid to step into the light and share it, which is where Rewrite came to fruition…supporting entrepreneurs, founders & C-Suite Execs to tell their stories whilst building an organic following, gaining traction and becoming a leader within their space.

You can now find Steph networking in Dubai, building property in Bali and making sure ALL her friends don’t have sh*t LinkedIn profiles…

Where we are based. 

Founded in the heart of London and growing in the exciting hub of Dubai, our client network is global. We’ve worked with those based in Bali, Australia, London, Spain, Amsterdam, the UAE and more. We’re online, we’re pro-active and if we’re in the city where you live, we’ll drop in to say hello at no extra cost. 

Are You Ready To Rewrite Your Story?