personal branding in 2024

Why should you build a personal brand in 2024?

Personal Branding: A Key Strategy for Founders in 2024

It’s becoming more and more apparent that consumers are losing more trust in big brands and seeking to build trust with individuals. If I said the names Mark Manson and Gary V you’ll know who I’m talking about, but if we turn down the ‘influencer spectrum’ a little bit, you’ll find BOOMING personal brands such as Grace Beverly and James Smith.

Two founders, both with products AND services that sell like hot cakes. And yes, whilst their products and services are great entities on their own, the reason they’re selling is because of them. They are the reason everything sells. They have built such reputable online personal brands that so many people want a piece of their pie.

And in today’s competitive landscape with noise from every corner of the earth, social media platform and industry, founders face a myriad of challenges when it comes to standing out and gaining recognition.

Which is where personal branding comes in.

Building a personal brand has emerged as a powerful strategy for founders who are looking to elevate their authority and expand their influence in the digital space, and luckily for every single person…we all have a personal brand, because…we’re people.

But if you’re on the fence as to why you should or shouldn’t…get your chops around some of these reasons.


1. Standing Out in a Crowded Market


Every market is saturated, that’s just fact. You and hundreds of other people will have the same offer statement, will work in the same industry and will probably be looking for the same ideal client. However, if you’ve already dedicated a good few years to your business and clarified that what you do is needed (i.e. you’ve made sales) then the next rightful step really is to build your brand.

Why? Because a strong personal brand allows founders to showcase their unique perspective, experiences, and values, which sets them apart from competitors and attracts the attention of potential clients, investors, and partners.

You can have the same offer, but nobody can replicate your energy and delivery.

2. Building Trust and Credibility

People trust from people, another fact. And in an era dominated by digital interactions, establishing trust and credibility is essential for business AND personal success.

A well-crafted personal brand lends authenticity and transparency to a founder’s image, instilling confidence and fostering stronger relationships.

Potential clients are more likely to trust and invest in you when you are demonstrating your expertise, integrity, and a genuine commitment to your craft through your personal brand. And you can showcase this through the way you write, through video, your case studies, your industry knowledge, what people say about you…the list goes on.

3. Expanding Opportunities

Who doesn’t love a good opportunity? Well, how will they ever find you if you don’t put yourself out there?

Whether it’s being invited for speaking events, podcasts, workshops, media features or partnership opportunities, a strong online presence can lead to increased visibility and exposure within industry circles.

By leveraging your personal brand as a founder, you can attract in opportunities that can propel your business forward.

4. Driving Business Growth

Listen, it’s all well and good becoming recognisable online, but beyond the personal recognition, building a personal brand can directly contribute to business growth.

As a founder and the face of your company, a strong personal brand can attract in new clients, retain existing ones, and command higher rates for your products or services. The reason for this is due to the authority that you are building, gaining more traction within your business.

Additionally, your personal brand can enhance the reputation and credibility of your business, leading to increased brand loyalty and market share.

If you’re a founder with employees…this is for you.

Encouraging Employee Personal Branding: A Win-Win for Founders and Businesses

Whilst as a founder you benefit from building your personal brand, you should also consider the impact of empowering your employees to do the same for the collective benefit of the business.

Encouraging employees to develop their personal brand not only enhances their professional development but also strengthens the company’s overall brand image and visibility. Not only do they showcase their expertise, they can share insights, boost engagement and create a strong company culture both online and offline.

To round up…

Rounding it all up, building a personal brand in 2024 is NOT to be judged for an ego trip or vanity exercise; it’s a strategic imperative for founders looking to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

By taking the time to build your personal brand you establish authority, build trust, open yourself up to new opportunities and put your business out there.

It can be a daunting task to start, but if you are ready to start building your personal brand in 2024, it’s never too late. Reach out to us today.


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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