linkedin premium

How to Leverage LinkedIn Premium to Grow Your Personal Brand

LinkedIn Premium offers a suite of tools that can help you up your personal brand game. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, corporate professional, or new to the working world, utilising LinkedIn Premium can provide you with the resources and insights needed to stand out, so let’s dig into it.

(Also quick side note, if you are new to starting on LinkedIn, this is not something you necessarily need to jump on straight away…but have at it and read away.)

Understanding LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium offers several subscription plans, each tailored to different professional needs:

  1. Premium Career: Ideal for job seekers and individuals looking to grow their network.
  2. Premium Business: Great for professionals aiming to enhance their brand and network.
  3. Sales Navigator: Designed for sales professionals seeking to generate leads.
  4. Recruiter Lite: Perfect for recruiters looking to find top talent.

Each plan provides unique features, but they all share common tools that can significantly boost your personal branding efforts.

LinkedIn Premium for Personal Branding

  1. InMail Messages
    • Direct Outreach: InMail allows you to send messages directly to any LinkedIn user, even if you’re not connected. This is great for networking, building relationships, and reaching out to industry leaders.
    • Personalised Connections: Use InMail to introduce yourself, share your insights, and start meaningful conversations.
  2. Profile Views Insights
    • Who’s Viewed Your Profile: LinkedIn Premium provides detailed insights into who has viewed your profile. Understanding who is interested in your profile can help you tailor your content and outreach strategies.
    • Visitor Trends: Analyse trends and identify patterns in your profile views to see which activities or content attract the most attention.
  3. Advanced Search Filters
    • Targeted Search: Use advanced search filters to find and connect with the right people in your industry. Filter by location, industry, company size, and more to pinpoint key contacts.
    • Build Your Network: Connect with professionals who align with your personal brand and goals. This targeted approach ensures that your network is relevant and valuable.
  4. Enhanced Analytics
    • Profile Performance: Access detailed analytics on your profile’s performance, including search appearances and engagement metrics. Use this data to refine your personal branding strategy.
    • Content Insights: Analyse the performance of your posts and articles to understand what resonates with your audience. Tailor your content strategy based on these insights.

Strategies to Leverage LinkedIn Premium for Personal Branding

  1. Optimise Your Profile
    • Professional Headline: Make sure you have a headline that clearly states who you are and what you do.
    • Complete Profile: Ensure EVERY section of your profile is complete and up-to-date. Highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements.
  2. Engage with Your Network
    • Regular Updates: Post regularly to keep your network engaged, yes this means growing your personal brand.
    • Interactive Content: Interact with your community…engage with them, comment back, write content for them.
  3. Network Proactively
    • Use InMail Strategically: Reach out to leaders, potential mentors, and key contacts using InMail. Personalise your messages to make meaningful connections.
    • Follow Up: After initial connections, follow up with value-driven messages.


LinkedIn Premium offers a suite of powerful tools that can help you elevate your personal brand. Is it 100% necessary? Probably not. Is it a great tool to leverage? Sure. You can jump into a 4-week free trial and then test it out for yourself, but I would still say you can build your brand without it.

If you’re looking to gain the support to start, get in contact with us and let’s see how we can help!


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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