ai and personal branding

How to Leverage AI When Building Your Personal Brand

People are scared of AI and the developments around it, and honestly…I get it. It’s scary to think that a computer can completely replace you and your thinking processes, BUT you are in control with how you can leverage it, and if anything it can revolutionise how you build and maintain your personal brand.

AI is a great tool to help you streamline your branding efforts, enhance your online presence, and help you connect more effectively with your target audience, however, you just have to remember that you also need to show up, not just your computer (no lazy Susans here please). In this blog I’m going to chat through how you can use AI to build your personal brand, content strategy, content ideation and finding your ideal client.

AI for Content Strategy

Simplifying Content Strategy

Your content strategy is SO important. It helps you to stay on track and stay focussed instead of going HAM on your LinkedIn and posting like a crazy person every so often — it’s a self accountability tool. But listen, not everyone works in social media so the thought of a content strategy as someone who is just starting out is scary…step in AI. AI tools can help you create a comprehensive content strategy for one or more platforms. These tools analyse data to understand what type of content resonates with your audience, the best times to post, and which platforms to focus on.

Creating a Content Calendar

AI can generate a content calendar tailored to your needs. By analysing engagement metrics and audience behaviour, AI tools recommend the optimal posting schedule to maximise reach and engagement, but to do this you need to find your stats and speak (write) as much as possible into your AI tool.

Platform-Specific Strategies

Different platforms require different approaches. AI tools can tailor your content strategy for each platform, ensuring that your message is effective whether it’s on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media site. The aim is: cohesive message delivery.

AI for Content Ideas

Generating Content Ideas

One of the challenges of personal branding is consistently coming up with fresh content ideas. AI can help by providing a continuous stream of content suggestions. You can ask direct questions about your niche and they’ll provide suggestions on trending topics, audience interests and your industry’s latest developments. But again, you need to remember to be DESCRIPTIVE with your questions otherwise they might just place you as the run of the mill person in your industry (see below).

Specificity in Communication

To get the best results from AI, you need to be specific when communicating your requirements. For example, instead of asking for “blog ideas,” ask for “blog ideas about personal branding for entrepreneurs in the wellness industry.” The more specific you are, the better the AI can tailor its suggestions to meet your needs.

AI for Client Profiling

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is CRUCIAL for personal branding and for your business overall. AI can build detailed client profiles by analysing data from various sources, such as social media interactions, website analytics, and market research. This helps you understand the desires, pain points, and behaviours of your potential clients.

Building Client Profiles

AI tools can compile and analyse demographic data, interests, online behaviours, and purchasing patterns to create detailed client profiles. These profiles give you a clear picture of who your target audience is and what they are looking for.

Customised Content

With detailed client profiles, you can create highly targeted content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of your audience. This increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion, as your content will resonate more with your target demographic.

Leveraging AI for Personal Branding

Streamlining Efforts

By incorporating AI into your personal branding, you can streamline your workflow. AI tools handle time-consuming tasks such as data analysis, content scheduling, and idea generation, allowing you to focus more on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience.

Staying Ahead of Trends

AI keeps you ahead of industry trends by continuously analysing data and providing insights. It’s about staying on trend, keeping ahead and staying relevant — you can sign up to various emails that will provide you with this insight and read blogs, and you can also utilise AI and then get AI to adapt your strategy to meet changing needs and market condition.


Leveraging AI when building your personal brand will of course help you to be more efficient, from developing a content strategy to a constant stream of content ideas, AI has the opportunity to provide great and powerful tools to elevate your brand. BUT you have to remember that heavily relying on AI can in fact lead you down the garden path towards laziness and a huge disconnect between you and your audience. So make sure you always edit, analyse and add in your own commentary when utilising it.

If you’d like to find out more or how you can benefit from working with a Personal Brand Strategist, contact me here.


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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