how is a personal brand built?

How is a personal brand built?

How simple would it be if I was to just say that a personal brand is built by just being yourself online? Because to some extent, that’s true, but the concept of personal branding has massively evolved from a random buzzword to a fundamental part of professional success, not to mention there are now HUNDREDS if not thousands of small and large personal branding agencies across the globe, with us being one of them.

Whether you’ve been in the entrepreneurial game for years, new to the freelancing space, a corporate professional or new to the working world in general, building a strong personal brand can be one of the best things you can do to stand out and establish yourself as an authority within your industry.

But how is a personal brand built? Well, I’m going to go through it in this blog with some key strategies that can support you in building a personal brand that resonates with your ideal audience and supports your goals!

Understanding the Foundations of Personal Branding

At the CORE of your personal brand is understanding YOU. I know we’ve heard the word ‘authenticity’ thrown around like a used wash rag, but it really is an important element to building your brand. Why? Well, if you show up as one person online and another in person, people are going to soon put two and two together to realise you aren’t your authentic self.

So before diving into the tactical aspects, you really do need to get clear on your values, strengths and USP (unique selling points). When I start with a client during their foundation build, we will begin by defining their mission, vision, ideal client and core message…these things will set you apart from others in your field.

1. Clarifying Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is you. You can’t Google it or use ChatGPT to find out your identity, this is yours and yours alone. I sometimes love to use an IKIGAI to get clear on what lights you up, what you’re good at and what you bring to the table. Your brand identity also comes down to your values and how you want to show up to the world and for yourself.

What do you want to be known for? What makes you unique? Why should people work with you or buy from you?

2. Identifying Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is CRUCIAL for tailoring your personal brand to meet their needs and preferences. A great message here is:

You are not for everyone. In fact, not everyone is going to like you, and that’s great because you don’t like everyone.

Don’t try and create a message so broad that you can’t hone in on one persona, otherwise you’ll be flailing about in the wind trying and finding people who don’t resonate with you at all. A great way to start here is to dive into some market research to identify your ideal audience’s demographics, psychographics and pain points.

Create detailed buyer personas to guide your branding efforts and ensure relevance and resonance with your audience.

Leveraging Platforms like LinkedIn

LinkedIn has emerged as a POWERHOUSE platform for personal branding, especially in the professional sphere. With over 700 million users worldwide, LinkedIn offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, visibility, and thought leadership, not only that, there are more people browsing than creating…so you are NOT too late to jumping on the LinkedIn bangwagon.

1. Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile literally becomes a landing page for potential clients and people who want to learn and grow with you. Yes of course it’s pretty much your digital CV and portfolio, but it’s SO much more than that now.

By optimising your profile with a good photo, compelling headline and a keyword-rich summary that showcases YOU, your expertise and your value proposition, it makes it clear who you are looking to invite in (even if you are an employee this is crucial).

You can utilise your ‘featured content’ for direct links to call pages, free downloads, offer pages or your portfolio. The content you then post will also provide further insight.

2. Creating Valuable Content

Putting content out into the world can feel intimidating, but by sharing your insights, experiences and story it’ll start to build your audience. By regularly publishing posts, commenting on articles, engaging with other creators on LinkedIn, addressing industry trends and providing value to your connections and other scrolling LinkedIn’ers, you’ll begin to expand your reach and network.

This does not happen overnight, you need to become dedicated to your craft, and I always recommend building a strategy to understand why you’re sharing in the first place and ideating on content so you aren’t posting blind.

If you aren’t sure where to even begin, the next section will be your best course of action.

Hiring a Personal Brand Strategist: Streamlining Your Branding Efforts

Building your personal brand is rewarding, especially when you start to see your impressions rise and people coming into your inbox to potentially work with you. However, it’s also time-consuming and time is our biggest pain point for most. Not to mention, building your personal brand can be overwhelming, especially for busy professionals juggling multiple responsibilities. Which is why working with a personal branding strategist can provide invaluable support and guidance.

Here’s why.

1. Saving Time and Resources

If you’re struggling with time and finding yourself constantly working IN your business and not ON it, how do you expect to grow? Working with a personal brand strategist will free up your time and energy to focus on your core business activities, not to mention also give you more time for YOU.

2. Simplifying the Process

Personal branding can feel daunting at times, with countless strategies, platforms, and tactics to consider. A personal brand strategist can simplify the process by simplifying the complex and breaking it down into something more actionable that is not only tailored to you but also to your goals and preferences. With their guidance, you can navigate the personal branding landscape with clarity and confidence…win.

To conclude: Build Your Personal Brand with Purpose

Building your personal brand is not just about self-promotion or ego stroking; it’s about creating meaningful connections, establishing credibility, and making a positive impact in your industry.

By understanding your brand identity, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, and seeking support from a personal brand strategist, you can craft a compelling personal brand that resonates with your audience and supports your long-term goals.

If you’d like to find out more, please reach out directly!


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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