personal brand

Do You Need a Personal Brand Website if You Have a Business One?

Okay, before we begin on this blog journey together, I just want to preface that you do NOT necessarily need a website at all. In fact you can have a solid LinkedIn + a basic landing page that holds the information you need for yourself. BUT if you have built up your personal brand and trying to figure out if now is the time to differentiate between your personal and business, this is the blog for you and keep reading…

So, you’re here because you feel as if the lines between your personal and business brand are starting to blur. For entrepreneurs and professionals, the question often arises: is a personal brand website necessary if you already have a business website? We’re now going to talk about the importance of having a personal brand website alongside your business one…

The Role of a Personal Brand Website

Why a Personal Brand Matters

Your personal brand is YOUR identity, whether you are a student, employee, exec or serial entrepreneur. Your brand highlights your expertise, values, and personality and in an era where authenticity and connection are paramount, a personal brand distinguishes you in your industry.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: people buy from people — so trust is where it’s at.

The Limitations of a Business Website

While a business website is essential for showcasing products, services, and corporate identity, it often lacks the personal touch that a personal brand website provides. Business websites are typically formal and focused on the company’s offerings, leaving little room for personal storytelling and individual connection.

Why Your Personal Brand Website is Crucial

Control Your Narrative

A personal brand website is your own castle in the digital sky. It ensures you control your own narrative without any interference from social media platforms or other individuals. Unlike social media profiles, which are subject to the rules and algorithms of the platform, your personal website is entirely under your control. This autonomy allows you to present YOUR story, achievements, and expertise exactly how you want them to be perceived.

Your Digital Avatar

Think of your personal brand website as your avatar in the digital world. It’s the closest you can get to digitising yourself and entering the online space as a professional entity. Your website communicates your expertise, values, and personality directly to your audience, without the filtering effects of social media algorithms.

Benefits of Having a Personal Brand Website

1. Enhanced Credibility and Trust

Personal Touch

A personal brand website allows you to share your personal journey, experiences, and achievements. This transparency fosters trust and humanises your brand, making it easier for people to actually connect with you on a personal level.

Not only that it gives you the opportunity to share your expertise on a personal level, whether thats through getting people into an email funnel, sharing weekly blogs or just having direct access to case studies and testimonials.

2. Differentiation from Competitors

Unique Identity & Opportunities

As we already know, every market is competitive, your website can actually help you stand out. A lot of personal brands tend to stick to having their business website as their main port of call, but having your own website will allow you to reflect your unique approach and USP, especially when you’ve got hundreds if not thousands of others with similar products and offerings.

Your website also creates a platform to show what else you bring to the table and what you can offer other individuals or companies, such as ability to work on podcasts, public speaking engagements, media appearances, or host workshops.

3. Increased Engagement and Reach

Google Loves More Links

Listen, it’s true. Every one is Googling away. Don’t try and tell me you’ve never tried to Google someones name before even if they don’t necessarily have a brand or business. Having your own website allows direct access to people through your own voice and outputs, not only does that give people more reason to connect and resonate, but it also makes you more clickable.

By clickable I mean…more links, more traction. Google loves a link and it’ll boost your SEO if you’re able to connect your website to your LinkedIn, Instagram and more. Not only that, this wider reach can indirectly benefit your business by expanding your network.

Integrating Your Personal and Business Brand

Consistent Messaging

Alignment of Values

Ensure that your personal brand values align with your business brand values. Consistent messaging across both platforms reinforces your brand identity and builds a cohesive narrative.


Use your personal brand website to promote your business and vice versa. Include links to your business website, highlight business achievements, and share business-related content on your personal site.

Visual Harmony

Cohesive Design

Maintain a cohesive visual identity between your personal and business websites. This includes similar colour schemes, typography, and logo elements. A unified visual brand enhances recognition and professionalism.

Although I will say if you have a super ‘masculine’ looking website with dark and bold colours and your personal brand is more on the feminine side, allow there to be differentiation, especially if you have a ‘big’ business.

Professional Photography

Invest in professional photography for both websites to maintain a high-quality, consistent look. This can include headshots, team photos, and images that reflect your brand’s personality.


Having a personal brand website is not just an option; it’s a strategic necessity. It enhances your credibility, differentiates you from competitors, and increases your engagement and reach. By integrating your personal brand with your business brand, you create a powerful, cohesive presence that resonates with a broader audience. Invest in a personal brand website, do it properly, stay active within it and ensure to keep track of your stats.


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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