5 Reasons You Should Hire A Ghostwriter For Your LinkedIn

With the words ‘personal brand’ spreading like wildfire, it’s no wonder you have started to hear more about the professional platform that is LinkedIn.

Gone are the days when LinkedIn was predominantly utilised just to hold a digital version of your CV, and in have stepped the days where LinkedIn has become the hub of professional brand building.

If you’ve taken to LinkedIn recently, you would have noticed how short-form content has become king, with attention-pulling headlines and open storytelling elements scattered throughout, all with an underlying tone of work with me.

It’s genius.

From a once Instagram-obsessed freelancer to now tuning into LinkedIn before anything else on my morning scroll, LinkedIn has also now become my platform of choice, along with many of our clients. This brings us here, to understand why you, as a functioning human being, should hire a ghostwriter for your LinkedIn.

So let’s get to it.

What Is A Ghostwriter?

This potentially doesn’t even need its own section, but we’re here to tell you what one is anyway, in the simplest of forms of course.

A ghostwriter is someone who writes for another individual without others knowing someone else wrote it.

They can write anything from long-form articles, speeches, journalistic pieces, tweets, LinkedIn posts…anything that involves words can utilise a ghostwriter.

What we like to say here at Rewrite when chatting about what we do is say:

We become people online, in the least creepy form of course.

So, now you know what we do, let’s talk about why you should hire one for your LinkedIn or other social platforms…

6 Reasons You Should Hire A Ghostwriter For Your LinkedIn

1. Ghostwriters save you time

Time is always of the essence, it’s the one thing we can never get back and it’s the one thing that many of us painfully ponder over.

As an entrepreneur, founder or CEO we are often trying to balance our time across multiple dimensions, becoming more than one role in a business, taking on more than we can handle and often punishing ourselves that we can’t get through our arm-length to-do list.

This further adds additional pressure when we look to start building our brand online and genuinely have no idea where to start, how to position ourselves or even have the time to put pen to paper…or in LinkedIn’s case, fingers to keyboard.

This is where Ghostwriters come in, bringing to light your voice and your message whilst positioning you as the thought leader you want to become. By delegating the writing element during your brand build you alleviate time and pressure from your already busy plate.

2. Ghostwriters know how to write

It sounds silly saying it out loud, but ghostwriters are professional writers for a reason. They have these hidden skills that bring your story to light in a way you would never know how to do.

That’s not saying you aren’t talented in what you do, but most of our clients often cringe knowing they might have to write about what they do for a living — whereas a ghostwriter will position you as the leader you are.

Utilising a ghostwriter instead of your go-to sales copy to bring a welcoming tone of voice to the table is exactly what every founder needs.

3. People buy from people

Exactly what it says on the tin here. People truly do buy from people. We’re all emotionally driven and therefore lean into trusting those that are open, speak honestly and bring something relatable to the table filled with sales pitches and brash calls to action.

We want to know who we’re working with, we want to bond with you, become part of your story and be noticed by you.

Ghostwriters can do this for you. Good ones specifically. And ghostwriters who know how to utilise the platform you want to build on.

Ghostwriters have a way of pulling out the information that connects to audiences and transforming it into something that resonates.

4. Ghostwriters support brand awareness

Yep, I said the word brand. But we’re all out here looking to build our brand, get our message out there and build a network of supportive individuals.

This also comes back to the element of time, because building a brand takes time and more often than not founders, CEOs etc do not have the time to spend to build their brand — which is exactly where the ghostwriter steps in.

Speaking to the majority of our clients, if it wasn’t for us writing for them, their brand building would be at the bottom of their task list — whereas now, they don’t even need to think about it, brilliant right?

5. A ghostwriter’s voice is your voice

Last but certainly not least, a ghostwriter’s voice isn’t fake or inauthentic, it’s your voice. If you work with a ghostwriter that is GOOD at what they do, nobody will even blink twice when it comes to your posting on LinkedIn.

You don’t just leave ghostwriters to it, and assume they know everything about you, in fact, you will work closely with them so they get to know you and what it is that you do, how you speak, move, and communicate.

Here at Rewrite, we have hour-long bi-weekly catch-ups with our clients, we’re constantly chatting away on Telegram and we love the use of voice notes whenever something comes up.

Plus, if you don’t feel connected to the writer or the writing, I assure you, you will find a writer that fits you.

In Conclusion

Ghostwriters are epic humans supporting more epic humans.

If you lack time, drive and skill when it comes to writing…hire one.

If you want to know how we can support you build an audience on LinkedIn…book a call with us here.


Hi, I'm Steph

Digital nomad, founder of Rewrite & as much as I hate to admit it…an ex-primary school teacher. 

I founded Rewrite in the October of 2021, after working for a Personal Branding agency that decided to close its doors, allowing me the opportunity (and balls) to start an agency for myself. 

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